NBC News To Fire For­mer RNC Chair Ron­na McDaniel After On-Air Hosts Revolt: Report

NBC News To Fire Former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel After On-Air Hosts Revolt: Report

NBC News is report­ed­ly plan­ning to fire for­mer Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee (RNC) Chair­woman Ron­na McDaniel after many top on-air hosts at MSNBC lam­bast­ed the net­work for its deci­sion to hire her last week.
“NBC NEWS plans to drop ex RNC-chair Ron­na McDaniel as a paid con­trib­u­tor fol­low­ing on-air revolt from NBC/MSNBC tal­ent,” said Puck News reporter Dylan Byers. “Execs are delib­er­at­ing over details; announce­ment pend­ing. Mean­while, McDaniel is seek­ing legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion.”
The move comes after many of MSNBC’s top stars pub­licly attacked NBC News on their shows this week for hir­ing McDaniel, claim­ing that she was dis­hon­est.
Some notable exam­ples of MSNBC h …