NBC’s Ron­na McDaniel fir­ing mocked as ‘spine made of jel­ly’ while MSNBC anchors tout ‘sign of strength’

Posted in Trump
NBC’s Ronna McDaniel firing mocked as ‘spine made of jelly’ while MSNBC anchors tout ‘sign of strength’

NBC News part­ed ways with for­mer Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee Chair­woman Ron­na McDaniel on Tues­day, spark­ing a parade of cel­e­bra­tion and crit­i­cism.
“NBC takes one of its new con­ser­v­a­tive hires and tries to ruin her with an inter­nal pile-on from sanc­ti­mo­nious anchors try­ing to act like they are deeply offend­ed by her, all while hop­ing no one digs too deeply into their own ter­ri­ble pasts,” Meg­yn Kel­ly, host of Sir­ius XM’s The Meg­yn Kel­ly Show, said in reac­tion. “Trig­ger!”
“Why? Because the chil­dren over at Dem-SNBC are mad,” Kel­ly added.

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For­mer Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Vivek Ramaswamy said McDaniel’s fir­ing showed NBC News has a “spine made of jel­ly.”
“I think it is uncon­scionable that NBC, with­out even hear­ing what she has to say, cuts her off in that way? It’s …