MSNBC Hosts Spike The Foot­ball After NBC’s Fir­ing Of Ron­na McDaniel

Sev­er­al of the hosts at MSNBC, pleased with hav­ing cowed lead­er­ship into ter­mi­nat­ing the con­tract of for­mer RNC Chair Ron­na McDaniel, took to the air and cel­e­brat­ed the ouster in an eye roll-induc­ing dis­play of pious self-con­grat­u­la­tion. The inmates rejoice, secure in the knowl­edge that they do, in fact, run the asy­lum.
The evening began inno­cent­ly enough, with Ari Mel­ber sober­ly break­ing the news and read­ing, with­out real­ly any sub­se­quent dunk­ing, the state­ment put forth by NBCU­nivers …