Power­ball jack­pot climbs to $865 mil­lion as long win­less drought con­tin­ues

Powerball jackpot climbs to 5 million as long winless drought continues

The Power­ball jack­pot increased to an esti­mat­ed $865 mil­lion after no one won Mon­day night’s draw­ing, con­tin­u­ing a win­less streak that dates to New Year’s Day.
The num­bers drawn were 7, 11, 19, 53, 68, and red ball 23.
Since the last win­ner on Jan. 1, there have been 36 straight draw­ings with­out a big win­ner. It’s tough to win the Power­ball jack­pot because the odds are so long, at 1 in 292.2 mil­lion.
The top prize up for grabs on Mon­day night was worth an esti­mat­ed $800 mil­lion.
The $865 mil­lion prize on the line for the next draw­ing on Wednes­day night is for a sole win­ner who is paid through an annu­ity, which will be giv­en through an ini­tial pay­ment and then 29 annu­al pay­ments. Most win­ners choose a cash pay­out, which for Wednes­day night’s draw­ing would be an esti­mat­ed $416 mil­lion.
The Power­ball prize has mush­roomed at a time when Mega Mil­lions, the oth­er near­ly nation­al U.S. lot­tery game, has become even big­ger, with an esti­mat­ed annu­ity pay­out of $1.1 bil­lion. The next Mega Mil­lions draw­ing will be on Tues­day night.
Both games are sold in 45 states, as well as Was …