Dana White details the only time he’s seen Trump ‘f***ed up’

Dana White details the only time he’s seen Trump ‘f***ed up’

UFC Pres­i­dent Dana White opened up about his friend­ship with Don­ald Trump and detailed the only time he has seen the 45th pres­i­dent “f***ed up.”
“I’ll call him on the phone as a friend, and be like, ‘Hey, you good? How you doing?’” White said about his rela­tion­ship with Trump on Monday’s episode of the Lex Frid­man Pod­cast.
Dur­ing these calls, it is extreme­ly rare to see Trump waver or become rat­tled, no mat­ter what he is fac­ing, White said.

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“Unfazed,” he said. “Unfazed, like nothing’s going on, and he’ll start talk­ing to me about this and that and all this oth­er s***.”
How­ev­er, there has been a sin­gu­lar moment where the UFC pres­i­dent has expe­ri­enced a Trump break­down.
“There’s only been one time,” White recalled. “I’ve nev­er talked about this pub­licly, but, one time, I called him, and he was not …