‘Squad’ mem­ber Bow­man back­tracks com­ment call­ing accounts of rape in Israel on Oct. 7 ‘pro­pa­gan­da’

‘Squad’ member Bowman backtracks comment calling accounts of rape in Israel on Oct. 7 ‘propaganda’

Rep. Jamaal Bow­man (D–NY) is walk­ing back some of his inflam­ma­to­ry rhetoric about the accu­sa­tions of sex­u­al assault dur­ing Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks. At a ral­ly after the attack on Israel, which claimed the lives of more than 1,100 peo­ple, Bow­man accused Israel of fab­ri­cat­ing details, includ­ing that babies were behead­ed and vic­tims were raped.
“There was pro­pa­gan­da used in the begin­ning of the siege,” Bow­man said, accord­ing to a video post­ed to Tik­Tok on Nov. 17. “There’s still no evi­dence of behead­ed babies or raped women, but they still keep using that lie [for] propa­ga …