After Sour­ing on Lemon, X Eye­ing Real Jour­nal­ist Cather­ine Her­ridge

After Souring on Lemon, X Eyeing Real Journalist Catherine Herridge

There appeared to be a new chap­ter in the saga of inves­tiga­tive reporter Cather­ine Her­ridge, on Wednes­day, regard­ing her next land­ing spot. Accord­ing to The New York Post, the award-win­ning jour­nal­ist was in talks with Elon Musk’s social media plat­form, X. The news came not long after Musk soured on for­mer CNN host Don Lemon and cut off their busi­ness arraign­ment fol­low­ing a con­tentious and rude inter­view.
The Post’s Alexan­dra Steigrad report­ed that Her­ridge “met with X CEO Lin­da Yac­cari­no at The Jef­fer­son Hotel in Wash­ing­ton, DC ear­li­er this month, accord­ing to a source with knowl­edge.”
She also not­ed that the talks were very much in the ear­ly stages, but there seemed to be inter­est in her build­ing out a major inves­tiga­tive unit:

The talks have been described as “pre­lim­i­nary.” …