RFK Jr.: It’s Biden Who Has To Wor­ry, Not Trump

RFK Jr.: It’s Biden Who Has To Worry, Not Trump

RFK Jr. con­tin­ues to poll shock­ing­ly well for a third-par­ty can­di­date. He’s in the high sin­gle dig­its or low dou­ble dig­its.
Those are real­ly good num­bers for a third-par­ty can­di­date at this point in time.
Here’s the ques­tion: Who is he pulling from: Trump or Biden?
The assump­tion was that he was pulling from both in equal mea­sure, but now, he has picked a clear­ly left­ist vice pres­i­den­tial can­di­date: Nicole Shana­han.
That means RFK Jr. is going to be run­ning direct­ly into the Biden cam­paign appa­ra­tus. He’s going to be draw­ing Demo­c­ra­t­ic v …