Ben Car­son: Elect­ing Trump Is ‘Best Chance’ To Take Fed­er­al Bureau­cra­cy Back From The Left

Ben Carson: Electing Trump Is ‘Best Chance’ To Take Federal Bureaucracy Back From The Left

Ben Car­son, the for­mer neu­ro­sur­geon and Trump admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial, says that putting for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump back in the Oval Office would be the country’s “best chance” to clear out the fed­er­al bureau­cra­cy and replace it with some­thing that works for the peo­ple.
“This will be the best chance to trans­form Wash­ing­ton back into some­thing that actu­al­ly works for the peo­ple,” Car­son told The Dai­ly Wire dur­ing a sit-down inter­view. “It’s become so pol­lut­ed now. They call it a …