The View Gets TRIGGERED By a Guest Who Argues Against Racism

Posted in Trump
The View Gets TRIGGERED By a Guest Who Argues Against Racism

ABC’s The View has been a major source of racial hatred and divi­sion in Amer­i­ca thanks to the likes of staunch­ly racist and anti-Semit­ic co-host, Sun­ny Hostin (the descen­dant of slave own­ers) and mod­er­a­tor Whoopi Gold­berg. So, it was a sur­prise when they invit­ed pod­cast­er and author Cole­man Hugh­es to pro­mote his book about remov­ing race as a fac­tor in gov­ern­ment pol­i­cy-mak­ing, on Wednes­day’s show. His rea­son­able posi­tion led Hostin to call him a “char­la­tan” and a “con­ser­v­a­tive” as a smear, and Gold­berg to attack his age.
Since he was there to pro­mote his book The End of Race Pol­i­tics: Argu­ments for a Col­or­blind Amer­i­ca, Gold­berg asked him to set the stage by explain­ing what he meant by “col­or­blind.” “My argu­ment is that we should try our very best to treat peo­ple with­out regard to race both in our per­son­al lives and pub­lic pol­i­cy…” he said.
He also denounced the so-called “anti-racism” move­ment. “The rea­son I wrote this book is that in the past ten years, it has become very pop­u­lar to in the name of anti-racism, teach a kind of phi­los­o­phy to our chil­dren and in gen­er­al that says your race is every­thing. Right? I think that is the wrong way to fight racism and that’s why I wrote this book at this time,” he said.
Not divid­ing peo­ple along racial lines didn’t sit well with Gold­berg, who pro­ceed­ed to sug­gest that Hugh­es was too young and just didn’t under­stand his­to­ry (Click “expand”):

GOLDBERG: Can I just point out that there is a rea­son for that? You know, when I wen …