Biden’s Bud­get To Fund Bor­der Secu­ri­ty In Egypt, Jor­dan, While U.S. Faces Unprece­dent­ed Bor­der Cri­sis

Posted in Trump
Biden’s Budget To Fund Border Security In Egypt, Jordan, While U.S. Faces Unprecedented Border Crisis

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s new bud­get will allo­cate hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars to fund the bor­der secu­ri­ty efforts of for­eign coun­tries like Egypt and Jor­dan despite the Unit­ed States fac­ing an unprece­dent­ed cri­sis on our south­ern bor­der.
The recent­ly passed bud­get, which autho­rizes $1.2 tril­lion in spend­ing by the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment, will allo­cate approx­i­mate­ly $380 mil­lion dol­lars to sup­port “enhanced bor­der secu­ri­ty” in Egypt, Lebanon, Oman, Tunisia, and Jor­dan, the lat­ter of which will receive rough­ly $150 mil­lion.
“The Biden admin­is­tra­tion wants noth­ing more than the abil­i­ty to ‘man­age’ an inva­sion here at home, all while help­ing nations abr …