Domini­can Repub­lic build­ing 250-mile bor­der bar­ri­er to wall off Haiti amid takeover by gangs

Dominican Republic building 250-mile border barrier to wall off Haiti amid takeover by gangs

The Domini­can Repub­lic has plans to swift­ly com­plete a 250-mile bor­der wall along its shared bound­ary with Haiti on the Caribbean island of His­pan­io­la, an attempt to pro­tect the coun­try as its land neigh­bor falls into fur­ther chaos.
Domini­can Pres­i­dent Luis Abi­nad­er is surg­ing sol­diers and con­struc­tion resources to seal off the bor­der as con­di­tions on the west side of the island have slid into a state of anar­chy in recent weeks as gangs and war­lords have fur­ther clenched con­trol of Haiti.
“We are ensur­ing that this desta­bi­liz­ing sit­u­a­tion stops right at the bor­der,” Abi­nad­er said in an inter­view with the Wall Street Jour­nal.

Domini­can Repub­lic Pres­i­dent Luis Abi­nad­er speaks dur­ing a ple­nary ses­sion at the Sum­mit of th …