Mike Lin­dell claims MyP­il­low ware­house receiv­ing evic­tion notice had not been used in months

Mike Lindell claims MyPillow warehouse receiving eviction notice had not been used in months

A MyP­il­low ware­house in Min­neso­ta recent­ly received an evic­tion notice from a judge, though CEO Mike Lin­dell has argued the prop­er­ty had not been used by the com­pa­ny for some time.
The evic­tion notice for the ware­house in Shakopee, Min­neso­ta, was issued along­side a law­suit claim­ing that MyP­il­low was over $200,000 behind on rent pay­ments owed to First Indus­tri­al. Lin­dell claimed that the small­er ware­house, about a third of the size of the main one, was not need­ed by the com­pa­ny and that some­one else had been set to move in to use the ware­house before choos­ing not to, accord­ing to Min­neso­ta Reformer.
“We were just sick about it,” Lin­dell told the out­let.

CEO of MyP­il­low Mike Lin­dell speaks dur­ing the Con­ser­v­a­tive Polit­i­cal Action Con­fer­ence, CPAC 2024. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Mag­a­na)

MyP­il­low gave no com­ment when asked by the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er about the evic­tion.
Lin­dell, a vocal sup­port­er of forme …