How A Left­ist Net­work Of Web­sites Floods Red States With Abor­tion Pills With No Con­se­quences

How A Leftist Network Of Websites Floods Red States With Abortion Pills With No Consequences

Facil­i­tat­ed by Left-wing activist groups, a net­work of web­sites has emerged to ship unreg­u­lat­ed for­eign abor­tion pills across the coun­try with no age ver­i­fi­ca­tion, no pre­scrip­tion, and no con­cern about state laws that may ban med­ica­tion-induced abor­tions. 
There are dozens of sites send­ing out abor­tion drugs, many of which are not approved by the FDA. In many red states, like Ten­nessee and Texas, where abor­tion is banned, all it takes to cir­cum­vent the law is access to the inter­net, a will­ing­ness to make pay­ments online, and a ship­ping address. 
A Dai­ly Wire …