NY Times Reporter Carl Hulse Lards His ‘News’ Report with ‘Ultra­right’ Labels

<div>NY Times Reporter Carl Hulse Lards His 'News' Report with 'Ultraright' Labels</div>

There was some impres­sive­ly dense anti-Repub­li­can label­ing in the lead of vet­er­an con­gres­sion­al reporter Carl Hulse’s Sun­day New York Times sto­ry.
The online head­line cer­tain­ly deliv­ered the fla­vor – not just “right,” but “far right,” not just “con­ser­v­a­tive,” but “ultra­con­ser­v­a­tive”! “Revenge” isn’t exact­ly neu­tral either.

The Far Right Lost Bad­ly and Wants Its Revenge
Bipar­ti­san spend­ing leg­is­la­tion approved by Con­gress rep­re­sent­ed a major defeat for ultra­con­ser­v­a­tives, who imme­di­ate­ly turned on Speak­er Mike John­son.”

The label­ing and tone got no less biased as it went. The sto­ry fits Hulse’s pat­tern of paint­ing Repub­li­cans as extrem­ists — a tac­tic he eager­ly employed long before Don­ald Trump descend­ed the Trump Tow­er esca­la­tor in 2015. In oth­er words, one can’t blame it on Trump.

As 2023 opened with Repub­li­cans new­ly in con­trol of the House, the far-right mem­bers of the par­ty con­sid­ered them­selves empow­ered when it came to fed­er­al spend­ing, with increased mus­cle to achieve the bud­get cuts of their dreams.

Today’s GOP rarely pro­pos­es actu­al “bud­get cuts,” mak­ing tha …