ABC World News Tonight SQUEES Over Biden-Oba­ma-Clin­ton Fundrais­er

There are many rea­sons that under­lie why we often refer to the cor­po­rate news media as “Regime Media”. Chief among them, their will­ing­ness to prop­a­gate Demo­c­rat talk­ing points and obse­quious­ly report things in a light most favor­able to what­ev­er Demo­c­rat is in pow­er. ABC World News Tonight’s cov­er­age of the much-bal­ly­hooed three-pres­i­dent fundrais­er in New York City cer­tain­ly exem­pli­fies “Regime Media”.
Watch as anchor Lin­sey Davis and ABC Chief Biden Apple Polisher….errr…White House Cor­re­spon­dent Mary Bruce open up the propa­ga …