Andy Kim takes a swing at Democ­rats who didn’t let him cam­paign against Tam­my Mur­phy

Andy Kim takes a swing at Democrats who didn’t let him campaign against Tammy Murphy

Rep. Andy Kim (D‑NJ), U.S. Sen­ate can­di­date, has accept­ed his spot on the cru­cial coun­ty line in most of New Jer­sey, save for Cam­den Coun­ty. 
The coun­ty line places par­ty-backed can­di­dates in one row or col­umn with oth­er can­di­dates placed some­where else on the bal­lot in what is some­times called “bal­lot Siberia.” Stud­ies con­firm that can­di­dates in the coun­ty line are more like­ly to be elect­ed.
Kim’s legal team announced Thurs­day that he will run off the line because it would be unac­cept­able to asso­ciate with Cam­den Coun­ty Democ­rats since they are lead­ing the charge against Kim’s law­suit, accord­ing to the New Jer­sey Globe. Kim is cur­rent­ly the lead plain­tiff of a law­suit to get rid of New Jer­sey’ …