Penn­syl­va­nia tells vot­ers they have to date their bal­lots for votes to count

Pennsylvania tells voters they have to date their ballots for votes to count

Undat­ed mail-in bal­lots will not be count­ed in Penn­syl­va­nia, even if they arrive to elec­tion offi­cials on time.
The legal ques­tion is whether “undat­ed bal­lots” vio­late the Civ­il Rights Act of 1964, which says one’s right to vote can­not be denied for “an error or omis­sion” that is “not mate­r­i­al.” A three-judge pan­el in a U.S. Cir­cuit Court of Appeals struck down a low­er court rul­ing in favor of count­ing undat­ed bal­lots. 
“The Pro­vi­sion does not apply to rules, like the date require­ment, that gov­ern how a qual­i­fied vot­er must cast his bal­lot for it to be count­ed,” Judge Thomas Ambro wrote in the opin­ion. 
“The Penn­syl­va­nia Gen­er­al Assem­bly has decid­ed that mail-in vot­ers must date the dec­la­ra­tion on the return …