BBC stands by replac­ing singer with AI-gen­er­at­ed voice

BBC stands by replacing singer with AI-generated voice

The BBC says it will con­tin­ue its plan to gen­er­ate a voiceover using arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence in an upcom­ing doc­u­men­tary.
The U.K.-based broad­cast­ing com­pa­ny had cast singer Sara Poyz­er to do a voiceover for their doc­u­men­tary on an undis­closed celebri­ty. Poyz­er is known for her stage role in the musi­cal Mam­ma Mia! The BBC pre­vi­ous­ly hired her in 2019 for two roles in its Doc­tor Who: The Lega­cy of Time pod­cast.
How­ev­er, Poyz­er said regard­ing this lat­est project, she received an email that said, “we have had the approval from BBC to use AI gen­er­at­ed voice so we don’t need Sara any­more,” which she shared on her social media.

“Sober­ing,” Poyz­er cap­tioned the screen­shot, while tag­ging the BBC and Equi­ty, the U.K.’s labor union for per­form­ers.

The BBC addressed Po …