Come­back: New Trump bio a go as pub­lish­er pulls plug on Biden book

Comeback: New Trump bio a go as publisher pulls plug on Biden book

A best-set­tling biog­ra­ph­er of for­mer Pres­i­dent Ronald Rea­gan has struck a deal to work on a new book with for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s team, the lat­est sign that inter­est in the 45th pres­i­dent remains high.
Wash­ing­ton­ian Craig Shirley, author of sev­er­al best­selling Rea­gan biogra­phies, told Secrets he has already start­ed research­ing for his book due out after the fall elec­tion. It has a work­ing title of Come­back, he told us Thurs­day.

Shirley described his project as a “cor­rec­tive” book that will push through past biased reports on Trump to pro­vide a clear pic­ture of who the for­mer pres­i­dent is, the move­ment he leads, and his come­back from the 2020 defeat to Pres­i­dent Joe Biden.
“It fix­es up the mis­takes of the past,” Shirley said of past biogra­phies from many anti-Trump authors. “This is gonna be con­trar­i­an. It’s going to go against every­thing the elites are preach­ing,” he added.
Shirley has not yet cut a deal with a pub­lish­er and expects to after th …