San Fran­cis­co may­oral hope­fuls vow to call in Nation­al Guard to han­dle fen­tanyl

San Francisco mayoral hopefuls vow to call in National Guard to handle fentanyl

Two chal­lengers to San Fran­cis­co May­or Lon­don Breed’s reelec­tion bid said they would declare a state of emer­gency to address the city’s fen­tanyl cri­sis and call in more Nation­al Guard troops to com­bat its out-of-con­trol open-air drug dens if they won.
Mark Far­rell, a ven­ture cap­i­tal­ist who served as inter­im may­or of San Fran­cis­co for six months in 2018, said Thurs­day that he would also ask the state to dis­patch mil­i­tary per­son­nel for an indef­i­nite peri­od of time.

A man, sus­pect­ed to be on drugs, is hunched over on the side­walk in San Fran­cis­co. (Barni­ni Chakraborty/Washington Exam­in­er)

“I will part­ner w/ state/fed lead­ers to declare a fen­tanyl state of emer­gency, request more armed CA Nation­al Guard, & imple­ment a bold recov­ery plan to save lives & close open-air drug mar­kets,” Far­rell post­ed on X.

I will part­ner w/ state/fed lead­ers to declare a fen­tanyl state of emer­gency, request more armed CA Nation­al Guard, & imple­ment a bold recov­ery plan to save lives & close open-air drug markets.My oppo­nents are back­ing failed …