Scar­bor­ough: Jan­u­ary 6 = Kristall­nacht, Female Fox Hosts Played With ‘Eva Braun’ Bar­bi­es

<div>Scarborough: January 6 = Kristallnacht,  Female Fox Hosts Played With 'Eva Braun' Barbies</div>

Who calls MSNBC a “news” chan­nel? Joe Scar­bor­ough dug deep into his bag of Trump-Hitler analo­gies on today’s Morn­ing Joe.
Scar­bor­ough began by analo­giz­ing the Jan­u­ary 6 riot to Kristall­nacht, the 1938 anti-Jew­ish pogrom led by the Nazi SS. He claimed “you can hear on Fox News peo­ple say­ing that noth­ing was wrong with Jan­u­ary 6th.”
They’re like Nazi news­pa­pers: “Were there Nazi news­pa­pers in the 1930s, say­ing, you know, Kristall­nacht, there’s some peo­ple that actu­al­ly think that was a bad thing?!”
Kristall­nacht was respon­si­ble for the deaths of hun­dreds of Jews, and the dam­age or destruc­tion of hun­dreds of syn­a­gogues and thou­sands of Jew­ish busi­ness­es. It is seen as the pre­cur­sor to The Final Solution–the Holo­caust. To in any way equate this riot to a pogrom is wild­ly inac­cu­rate and repul­sive.
But this is MSNBC, where they air lunatic pun­dits who claim “9/11 is noth­ing com­pared to Jan­u­ary 6.”

Lat­er, Scar­bor­ough unloaded his usu­al brag­ga …