Trump should choose for­mer Rep. Devin Nunes as vice pres­i­dent, Roger Stone says

Trump should choose former Rep. Devin Nunes as vice president, Roger Stone says

Long­time Don­ald Trump ally Roger Stone spec­u­lat­ed about who the for­mer pres­i­dent could choose as his vice pres­i­dent, sug­gest­ing Trump Media CEO Devin Nunes would be a good pick. 
Stone claimed Trump should choose some­one who could eas­i­ly replace him as pres­i­dent should some­thing hap­pen, some­one who would bring his “Amer­i­ca First rev­o­lu­tion” for­ward and some­one who would “not get tripped up in the first week.”
“You know who I would like? I thought of this last night, Devin Nunes,” Stone told News­max host Eric Bolling on Thurs­day. “[He’s a] 20-year mem­ber of Con­gress, for­mer chair­man of the House Intel­li­gence Com­mit­tee, some­one Don­ald Trump is very close to and trusts entire­ly. He’s His­pan­ic, a for­mer farmer from before he went to Con­gress. I think he would be an excel­lent choice.” 

Roger Stone on pos­si­ble Trump VP Pick: You know who I’d like, I just t …