Oba­ma scolds pro­test­ers who dis­rupt­ed fundrais­er with Biden and Clin­ton

Obama scolds protesters who disrupted fundraiser with Biden and Clinton

NEW YORK — For­mer Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma scold­ed anti-war pro­test­ers who inter­rupt­ed his $25 mil­lion fundrais­er for Pres­i­dent Joe Biden along­side for­mer Pres­i­dent Bill Clin­ton.
“You can’t just talk and not lis­ten,” Oba­ma said in New York City on Thurs­day night after mul­ti­ple dis­rup­tions. “That’s what the oth­er side does.” 
Most of the pro­test­ers inside Radio City Music Hall were express­ing oppo­si­tion to Biden’s response to the Israel–Hamas war, con­tend­ing he had “blood on your hands.” But one who was ran­kled by the prospect of nuclear war with Rus­sia was more exple­tive.
“You’re out of your f***ing minds,” that pro­test­er said as he was escort­ed from the room.
Biden lat­er said the Unit­ed States needs to pro­vide more food and sup­plies to Pales­tini­ans in the Gaza Strip but that the coun­try could not for­get that Israelis were mas­sa­cred. He expressed par­tic­u­lar con­cern for the deaths of civil­ians, specif­i­cal­ly chil­dren.
Biden’s fundrais­er with Oba­ma and Clin­ton also drew pro­test­ers out­side with signs that read “Day 174 of U.S. fund­ed geno­cide” and “Israel bombs = U.S.A. pays.”