Zakaria: ‘Chris­t­ian Nation­al­ism,’ Islamism, Xi Agree Women Are ‘Too Uppi­ty’

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria took his book tour to CBS and The Late Show with Stephen Col­bert on Wednes­day, where he claimed that if there is one thing that unites the “right-wing reac­tionary move­ments” of Chris­t­ian Nation­al­ism (what­ev­er that means), Islam­ic fun­da­men­tal­ism, and ultra-Ortho­dox Israelis, it is that belief that “women have got­ten to uppi­ty.” For good mea­sure, Zakaria also threw in Chi­nese dic­ta­tor Xi Jin­ping.
Col­bert asked, “The sub­ti­tle for this book is Age of Rev­o­lu­tions: Progress and Back­lash from 1600  …