MSNBC hosts blast Trump for mak­ing officer’s funer­al ‘polit­i­cal’

MSNBC hosts blast Trump for making officer’s funeral ‘political’

As Pres­i­dent Joe Biden held a $25 mil­lion fundrais­er at New York City’s Radio Music Hall, his main polit­i­cal rival Don­ald Trump attend­ed the Thurs­day wake of NYPD offi­cer Jonathan Diller. The con­trast was brought up on MSNBC Fri­day morn­ing, where hosts Willie Geist and Jonathan Lemire accused the for­mer pres­i­dent of “mak­ing it polit­i­cal.”
Diller, 31, was shot and killed Mon­day while per­form­ing a traf­fic stop on an ille­gal­ly parked car. The sus­pect­ed shoot­er, Guy Rivera, 34, had been arrest­ed 21 times before the inci­dent and is now fac­ing mur­der charges.
“After meet­ing with Offi­cer Diller’s fam­i­ly, who invit­ed Trump to the ser­vice, Trump spoke to reporters out­side describ­ing the officer’s death as a hor­ri­ble thing and call­ing for a return to law and order,” Geist said on Morn­ing Joe. “Trump has accused Pres­i­dent Biden of not being tough enough on crime, and his cam­paign looked to con­trast his vis­it with Biden’s fundrais­er in New York City with for­mer Pres­i­dents Oba­ma and Clin­ton.”

“But of course, because he’s Don­ald Trump, he’s mak­ing it polit­i­cal,” Lemire said. “Look, his aides were very clear yes­ter­day that they liked this split screen of Pres­i­dent Biden being at Radio City Music Hall with two oth­er pres­i­dents for a big-dol­lar glitzy fundrais­er, while Don­ald Trump was out in Queens and then Long Island meet­ing with t …