Trump sup­port­ers launch sec­ond recall attempt on Wis­con­sin State Assem­bly leader

Trump supporters launch second recall attempt on Wisconsin State Assembly leader

Wis­con­sin State Assem­bly Leader Robin Vos is fac­ing anoth­er recall attempt from the same group that tried and failed to remove the Repub­li­can pre­vi­ous­ly.
A pro-Trump group filed paper­work to start a sec­ond recall effort Wednes­day. The day pri­or, it asked the Wis­con­sin Supreme Court to give it more time to resolve con­cerns with sig­na­tures that Vos chal­lenged on the orig­i­nal recall attempt.

Wis­con­sin Speak­er of the Assem­bly Robin Vos talks about a sta­di­um repair fund­ing plan aimed at keep­ing the Mil­wau­kee Brew­ers in Mil­wau­kee at a news con­fer­ence Mon­day, Sept. 18, 2023, at Amer­i­can Fam­i­ly Field in Mil­wau­kee. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)

Vos’s oppo­nents start­ed the sec­ond recall effort because they believe Vos has pro­vid­ed “tac­it sup­port for the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty” and “fla­grant dis­re­spect for his own con­stituents by call­ing them ‘whack-jobs, morons, and idiots.’”
Vos pre­vi­ous­ly called the peo­ple who tried to recall him “whack jobs” and “morons.”
“The whack jobs who are run­ning the recall against me said I am [an] agent of the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty,” Vos said at a event on the first recall. “That was the last text that they sent out in des­per­a­tion to show peo­ple some­how that I am not a con­ser­v­a­tive Repub­li­can.
Vos has not com­ment­ed on the sec­ond recall attempt. The first attempt has like­ly failed due to not hav­ing enough valid sig­na­tures from Vos’s dis­trict.
Vos chal­lenged the peti­tion for the first attempt. He said he found “a ton of fraud” with the recall attempt. Attor­neys for Vos said they found 400 dupli­cat­ed sig­na­tures, miss­ing and mis­spelled infor­ma­tion, and the names of peo­ple who did not actu­al­ly sign, includ­ing minors and Vos’s own name. They also includ­ed affi­davits from peo­ple who said they were mis­led to sign the peti­tion. 
The bipar­ti­san Wis­con­sin Elec­tions Com­mis­sion will deter­mine if the sec­ond attempt has enough sig­na­tures to force a recall elec­tion for the assem­bly leader. The com­mis­sion has until April 11 to deter­mine if there are enough valid sig­na­tures in the first attempt to issue a recall elec­tion. If suc­cess­ful, the elec­tion would like­ly hap­pen in June.