Grampy Milk! Trans­gen­der Woman Breast­feeds Grand­kid

Grampy Milk! Transgender Woman Breastfeeds Grandkid

Men can’t breast­feed. End of sto­ry.
A trans­gen­der woman, with the help of Duke Uni­ver­si­ty researchers, breast­fed “her” grand­child. In plain Eng­lish, researchers gave the bio­log­i­cal man an exper­i­men­tal hor­mon­al drug so that he could feed his grand­kid through his hairy man boo­bies.
Talk about a dystopi­an uni­verse!
The trans­gen­der woman had five chil­dren of his own and when his grand­kids came around and he iden­ti­fied as a she, the indi­vid­ual had a strong desire to breast­feed since he couldn’t with his own kids, Dai­ly Mail report­ed.
Researchers, who pub­lished their study in the jour­nal Breast­feed­ing Med­i­cine, helped the patient accom­plish his dream.
“The patient first expressed the unique desire to breast­feed her expect­ed grand­child at an appoint­ment with her endocri­nol­o­gist in the spring of 2022,” researchers wrote, lat­er adding, “Her pri­ma­ry moti­va­tion for induc­ing lac­ta­tion was to …