Unpaid prop­er­ty tax­es sky­rock­et in NYC while AG James goes after Trump

Unpaid property taxes skyrocket in NYC while AG James goes after Trump

Unpaid New York City prop­er­ty tax­es are expect­ed to sky­rock­et to a record high this fis­cal year while New York Attor­ney Gen­er­al Leti­tia James focus­es her atten­tion on for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
The unpaid tax­es are pro­ject­ed to amount to $880 mil­lion by the end of June and mark a more than 30% jump from three years ago. The main rea­son for the high tax­es is that offi­cials do not have the pow­er to enforce the pun­ish­ments for not pay­ing the fees.
“It’s not just the absolute dol­lar amount that I think should wor­ry us all,” Pre­ston Niblack, the city’s finance com­mis­sion­er, said ear­li­er this month. “[Peo­ple are] real­iz­ing there are no con­se­quences for not pay­ing your prop­er­ty tax­es. That just can’t be allowed to con­tin­ue.”
City offi­cials blamed the prob­lem on the end of a pro­gram from the pan …