Bal­ti­more rep­re­sen­ta­tive says lack of com­pas­sion after bridge col­lapse is ‘sick­en­ing’

Baltimore representative says lack of compassion after bridge collapse is ‘sickening’

Rep. Kweisi Mfume (D‑MD) said it is sick­en­ing that there is “no com­pas­sion” in the after­math of Tuesday’s bridge col­lapse in Bal­ti­more, slam­ming some Repub­li­cans who have blamed the event on diver­si­ty, equi­ty, and inclu­sion.
Mfume, whose dis­trict encom­pass­es most of Maryland’s most pop­u­lous city, appeared Sat­ur­day on MSNBC to dis­cuss recent devel­op­ments in the cleanup and rebuild­ing efforts after the col­lapse of the Fran­cis Scott Key Bridge with the Rev. Al Sharp­ton. The rep­re­sen­ta­tive said the rerout­ing of traf­fic and sub­se­quent clo­sure of the Port of Bal­ti­more has had a huge effect on the area but that the rest of the nation will feel the sup­ply chain ram­i­fi­ca­tions soon. Sharp­ton then asked Mfume for his thoughts on the con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries that have emerged.
“Pet­ty minds have always come up with pet­ty con­spir­a­cies, and I think that’s what we see now,” Mfume said. “It is unfor­tu­nate, but I urge peo­ple to pay atten­tion because some of these pet­ty co …