PBS Rejoic­ing: Biden ‘Came Out Swing­ing’ Against GOP’s ‘False Adver­tis­ing’ on Age

The tax-fund­ed PBS week­ly polit­i­cal round­table Wash­ing­ton Week with The Atlantic con­tin­ued to pro­vide sup­port for the Demo­c­ra­t­ic can­di­date dur­ing the runup to the Novem­ber elec­tion, tempt­ing fate and more after-the-fact embar­rass­ment by again defend­ing Joe Biden’s men­tal acu­ity and vig­or, even attack­ing Spe­cial Coun­sel Robert Hur’s report again.
Host and Atlantic edi­tor Jef­frey Gold­berg was joined by his Atlantic col­leagues Adam Har­ris and Mark Lei­bovich, along with CNN senior polit­i­cal ana­lyst Nia Mali­ka Hen­der­son and Reuters White House cor­re­spon­dent Jeff Mason.

Jef­frey Gold­berg: Let’s go to the finances, and Jeff, you have been trav­el­ing all week with Joe Biden. He’s — you just got here, actu­al­ly, from end­less fly­ing around the coun­try with Joe Biden. He’s doing very well in the fundrais­ing. An …