Liz­zo announces she’s leav­ing music on the heels of Biden fundrais­ing per­for­mance

Lizzo announces she’s leaving music on the heels of Biden fundraising performance

Musi­cian Liz­zo announced she’s quit­ting the indus­try over crit­i­cism she’s received online.
Liz­zo has been in the spot­light since her back­ground dancers filed a sex­u­al harass­ment law­suit against her. These for­mer dancers, Ari­an­na Davis, Noelle Rodriguez, and Crys­tal Williams, also claimed Liz­zo shamed them for their weight. Crit­i­cism online renewed after Lizzo’s per­for­mance at Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s $25 mil­lion fundrais­er at New York City’s Radio Music Hall Thurs­day.
“All I want is to make music and make peo­ple hap­py and help the world be a lit­tle bet­ter than how I found it But I’m start­ing to feel like the world doesn’t want me in it,” Liz­zo wrote on Insta­gram. “I’m con­stant­ly up against lies being told about me for clout & views … being the butt of the joke every sin­gle time because of how I look… my char­ac­ter being picked apart by peo­ple who don’t know me and dis­re­spect­ing my name.”

“I didn’t sign up for this s***. I QUIT,” her post end­ed.
The pop star rose to fame in 2019 after releas­ing her third stu­dio album, “Cuz I Love You.” Ever since she has made polit­i­cal state­ments in her per­for­mances. Last year …