White House Report Card: Biden sets fundrais­ing, ille­gal immi­gra­tion records

White House Report Card: Biden sets fundraising, illegal immigration records

This week’s White House Report Card finds Pres­i­dent Joe Biden inch­ing back into con­tention for reelec­tion, flush with a record $26 mil­lion fundrais­ing haul made pos­si­ble with the help of for­mer Pres­i­dents Barack Oba­ma and Bill Clin­ton.
But anoth­er num­ber con­tin­ues to pro­vide a very high hur­dle to boost­ing his low approval rat­ing. And that’s the record num­ber of ille­gal immi­grants he has wel­comed into the coun­try. Accord­ing to the Cen­ter for Immi­gra­tion Stud­ies, there are now a record 51 mil­lion immi­grants in the coun­try, and a record 13 mil­lion are here ille­gal­ly.
He also stirred anger among his foes by promis­ing to pay for the esti­mat­ed $1 bil­lion rebuild of Baltimore’s Key Bridge, which col­lapsed when a for­eign-owned con­tain­er ship crashed into it Tues­day, and issued new and poten­tial­ly unat­tain­able emis­sions reg­u­la …