CNN host says NBC News showed ‘dou­ble stan­dard’ in McDaniel fir­ing

CNN host says NBC News showed ‘double standard’ in McDaniel firing

CNN host Fareed Zakaria crit­i­cized NBC News for hir­ing and prompt­ly fir­ing for­mer Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee Chair­woman Ron­na McDaniel.
Zakaria appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher on Fri­day to dis­cuss McDaniel’s brief con­tract that began and end­ed this past week. MSNBC hosts had voiced their dis­agree­ment with McDaniel’s hire over her polit­i­cal views.
“So, real­ly, the ques­tion is, how much do you pun­ish her for her past lies?” Zakaria said. While McDaniels raised red flags over the integri­ty of the 2020 elec­tion, Zakaria gave McDaniels cred­it for agree­ing that Joe Biden is the legit­i­mate pres­i­dent. He not­ed that there remain about 85 mil­lion adults who claim they believe the elec­tion was rigged.

Fareed Zakaria and Bill Maher dis­cuss Ron­na McDaniel’s fir­ing from NBC News:Zakaria: “How much do you pun­ish her for her past lies? Bill Clin­ton lied under oath. Last time I checked he’s b …