Jamaal Bow­man calls Netan­hayu a ‘mani­ac’ who ‘needs to be removed’

Jamaal Bowman calls Netanhayu a ‘maniac’ who ‘needs to be removed’

Rep. Jamaal Bow­man (D‑NY) echoed Sen. Chuck Schumer’s (D‑NY) calls for a new elec­tion in Israel to replace Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu amid the ris­ing death tolls in Gaza. 
Bow­man said Netanyahu “needs to be removed,” call­ing him a “mani­ac” dur­ing a Sat­ur­day MSNBC appear­ance. He said Netanyahu is block­ing peace in the region. 
“The major­i­ty of Gaza has already been destroyed through acts of col­lec­tive pun­ish­ment by this mani­ac, Ben­jamin Netanyahu. I’m 100% with Sen­a­tor Schumer. He needs to be removed. He is a block­ade to a path­way to peace,” Bow­man said. “And we need a cease­fire right now. That’s what we should be focused on — human­i­tar­i­an aid, not weapons.”
Bow­man also crit­i­cized the Biden admin­is­tra­tion for recent­ly giv­ing Israel mil­i­tary aid, includ­ing twen­ty-five F‑35 fight­er jets. When asked if Con­gress should have bee …