For­mer judge sug­gests Trump needs to be jailed if he breaks gag order: ‘Bring your tooth­brush’

Former judge suggests Trump needs to be jailed if he breaks gag order: ‘Bring your toothbrush’

A for­mer Cal­i­for­nia judge is sug­gest­ing that the con­se­quences need to be harsh­er for for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump should he break a gag order he has been placed under, rec­om­mend­ing he be put in jail.
For­mer Cal­i­for­nia Supe­ri­or Court Judge LaDoris Cordell said, “There has to be an imme­di­ate con­se­quence when he defies a court order,” such as the gag order he was placed under by Judge Juan Mer­chan in the New York hush-mon­ey crim­i­nal case. How­ev­er, Cordell acknowl­edged to CNN that it does not appear Trump has vio­lat­ed the gag order just yet.
“When he steps across that gag order line, and I do hope it will be expand­ed, there should be only one response: bring your tooth­brush, Don­ald Trump, because you’re going to sit in a jail cell for a while,” Co …