NY Demo­c­ra­t­ic Gov­er­nor Bathes State Land­marks In Trans Flag Col­ors On East­er

NY Democratic Governor Bathes State Landmarks In Trans Flag Colors On Easter

New York Demo­c­ra­t­ic Gov­er­nor Kathy Hochul ordered New York land­marks lit in light blue, pink, and white on East­er Sun­day to cel­e­brate a “Trans­gen­der Day of Vis­i­bil­i­ty.”
Hochul issued a procla­ma­tion last week rec­og­niz­ing March 31 as the day “to reaf­firm our com­mit­ment to see beyond the gen­der bina­ry and cre­ate equi­ty for New York­ers of trans expe­ri­ence.” The com­mem­o­ra­tion was first aligned with that date more than a decade ago by a trans­gen­der activist as a way to hon­or trans­gen­der-iden­ti­fy­ing peo­ple.
Pres­i­dent Joe Biden became the first pres­i­dent to rec­og­nize “Trans­gen­der Day of Vis­i­bil­i­ty” from the White House after he to …