Bal­ti­more Bridge Col­lapse High­lights The Sor­ry State Of Amer­i­can Infra­struc­ture

Baltimore Bridge Collapse Highlights The Sorry State Of American Infrastructure

Though the exact cause of a con­tain­er ship’s col­li­sion with the Fran­cis Scott Key Bridge in Bal­ti­more, Mary­land — which caused the structure’s col­lapse — is under debate, the dis­as­ter that has claimed at least two lives and caused an untold amount of eco­nom­ic dam­age has drawn atten­tion to the state of America’s infra­struc­ture.
The bridge itself accom­mo­dat­ed almost 30,000 vehi­cles each day, and the Port of Bal­ti­more, which will be heav­i­ly dis­rupt­ed by the col­lapse and recon­struc­tion, saw 52.3 mil­lion tons of for­eign car­go and 11.7 mil­lion tons of gen­er­al car­go com …