Free­dom Cau­cus Chair­man Bob Good blast­ed for com­ing to DC ‘to be famous’

Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good blasted for coming to DC ‘to be famous’

Rep. Der­rick Van Orden (R‑WI) turned up the heat on a pres­sure cam­paign to oust House Free­dom Cau­cus Chair­man Bob Good (R‑VA), accus­ing the Vir­gin­ian of com­ing to Wash­ing­ton “to be famous.”
Good is fight­ing off a cam­paign com­ing from with­in his cau­cus to remove him, infight­ing that Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) has asked his mem­bers to refrain from car­ry­ing out. Good was one of eight House Repub­li­cans who vot­ed to oust for­mer Speak­er Kevin McCarthy late last year.
“Bob Good didn’t come here to gov­ern. He came here to be famous,” Van Orden told CNN. “Bob Good’s wear­ing our jer­sey, and he’s not on the team.”
“If you look at what …