Cal­i­for­nia work­ers put on notice hour cuts are com­ing with $20 min­i­mum wage going into effect

California workers put on notice hour cuts are coming with  minimum wage going into effect

Cal­i­for­nia fast-food work­ers are get­ting a pay boost on April 1 that is com­ing with some unin­tend­ed con­se­quences.
After the state leg­is­la­ture approved a law hik­ing the min­i­mum wage for fast-food work­ers to $20 an hour, some com­pa­nies have warned their employ­ees that they will be sched­uled for few­er hours as a result of the wage increase. The bill, which increas­es wages for fast-food com­pa­nies with more than 60 loca­tions nation­wide, has put some man­agers of these chains in a tricky posi­tion. 
“I am used to being a cham­pi­on of labor, and I’m in this odd posi­tion,” Michaela Mendel­sohn, who man­ages six El Pol­lo Loco restau­rants and over­sees more than 170 employ­ees, told NPR. “We’re hav­ing to get more effi­cient. So real­ly, what’s left is … to reduce labor hours. And I hate say­ing that.”
Many employ­ees will receive a …