Flori­da Supreme Court Allows Six-Week Abor­tion Ban To Take Effect, Opens Door For Bal­lot Ref­er­en­dum

Florida Supreme Court Allows Six-Week Abortion Ban To Take Effect, Opens Door For Ballot Referendum

The Flori­da Supreme Court on Mon­day found that the Sun­shine State’s constitution’s pri­va­cy pro­tec­tions do not extend to abor­tion, which is the inten­tion­al killing of an alive human in a woman’s womb.
The rul­ing trig­gers a pro-life law, called the Heart­beat Pro­tec­tion Act, to go into effect as of May 1. The Flori­da law bans abor­tion after six weeks of preg­nan­cy with excep­tions for the life of the moth­er, rape, incest, and rare fatal fetal abnor­mal­i­ties.
John McCor­ma­ck, Senior …