For­mer RNC chair argues NBC man­age­ment failed in hir­ing process of Ron­na McDaniel

Former RNC chair argues NBC management failed in hiring process of Ronna McDaniel

For­mer Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee Chair­man Reince Priebus argued that NBC News failed in its hir­ing process of Ron­na McDaniel, who was employed by the net­work for less than a week last month.
McDaniel, the for­mer RNC chair­woman, had been hired by the net­work as a paid con­trib­u­tor in March, but was fired by the net­work only a few days lat­er fol­low­ing back­lash from NBC and MSNBC show hosts crit­i­ciz­ing the deci­sion. Priebus, who was chair­man of the RNC from 2011 to 2017, said that he believed NBC made a crit­i­cal error in not hav­ing McDaniel meet with var­i­ous employ­ees of the net­work before hir­ing her.
“The root of the prob­lem is that the man­age­ment nev­er brought her in before the con­tract was signed so that all of this stuf …