Lib­er­al Media Scream: Top edi­tor joins CNN host in rip­ping MAGA with their ‘truth’

Liberal Media Scream: Top editor joins CNN host in ripping MAGA with their ‘truth’

This week’s Lib­er­al Media Scream is a rare but deserved five-scream­er in which the edi­tor of the Cleve­land Plain Deal­er joins with a CNN host to con­demn for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump and his MAGA fol­low­ers.
Appear­ing on CNN This Morn­ing with Kasie Hunt, edi­tor Chris Quinn explained why he wrote a week­end let­ter to read­ers about the paper’s anti-Trump cov­er­age.
He said, “These are peo­ple that watch Fox News or News­max and they believe it because they — it appears cred­i­ble. Then they come to our plat­forms and see the oppo­site and they’re con­flict­ed because they like us. They read us for the sports cov­er­age or the local news, or what have you.”
Quinn added, “This was for them. I had to, I owed them some sort of an expla­na­tion. And the rea­son it was so dif­fi­cult is I don’t want to demean them. I don’t want to crit­i­cize them. But I can’t stray from the truth. The truth is this guy is a mon­ster. He’s the worst pres­i­dent in his­to­ry a …