Speak­er John­son teas­es ‘inno­va­tions’ to move Ukraine aid for­ward in House

Speaker Johnson teases ‘innovations’ to move Ukraine aid forward in House

For the first time, House Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) is hint­ing at a num­ber of tweaks he would require in order to move a for­eign aid bill for Ukraine through the low­er cham­ber. 
In an inter­view with Fox News on Sun­day, John­son laid out the pro­vi­sions he would like to see in any emerg­ing aid pro­pos­al, which the speak­er called “impor­tant inno­va­tions.” The mea­sures float­ed by John­son were relat­ed direct­ly and indi­rect­ly to the war with Rus­sia, includ­ing the idea of restruc­tur­ing the aid as a loan repay­ment. 
“When we return after this work peri­od, we’ll be mov­ing a prod­uct, but it’s going to, I think, have some impor­tant inno­va­tions,” John­son said. “There’s a lot of things we should do that make more sense, and we’re putting that prod­uct togeth­er.”
John­son laid out the three main com­po­nents he said should be includ­ed in the leg­is­la­tion, includ­ing a bipar­ti­san pro­pos­al known as the REPO Act. If includ­ed, the pro­vi­sion would seek to seize frozen Russ­ian assets and transfe …