Wis­con­sin union mem­bers are bad­ger­ing Biden on one issue ahead of swing-state pri­ma­ry con­test

Wisconsin union members are badgering Biden on one issue ahead of swing-state primary contest

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is fac­ing a famil­iar chal­lenge in Wis­con­sin from an unlike­ly group.
The Lis­ten to Wis­con­sin cam­paign earned the sup­port of some union mem­bers, a key demo­graph­ic in the Bad­ger State for both Biden and for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump. Wis­con­sin is tak­ing a page out of Michigan’s book ahead of the state’s April 2 pri­ma­ry, telling Democ­rats to vote “unin­struct­ed” over vot­ing for Biden to send a mes­sage about their anti-war sen­ti­ments. In 2020, Biden won Wis­con­sin by a nar­row mar­gin of 20,000 votes.
“As trade union­ists, we feel like it is our oblig­a­tion to stand in sol­i­dar­i­ty with them and to pres­sure our elect­eds and our unions to do more and to do bet­ter to stop the U.S. sup­port for the geno­cide in Gaza,” Jacob Flom, who sits on the board of the Mil­wau­kee Area Labor Coun­cil, told the Guardian.
At a Biden cam­paign event …