Take The April Fool’s Face­book Fact-Check­ers Quiz

It is April 1 which means the news con­sumer must be extra aware for hijinks, tom­fool­ery, and oth­er assort­ments of fake news. While some may have great fun with tales of pitch­ers who can throw 168 mile an hour fast­balls while wear­ing a hik­ing boot on one foot and being bare­foot on the oth­er, the fact-check­ers that are part of Facebook’s anti-dis­in­for­ma­tion cam­paign may beg to dif­fer.
Facebook’s pro­gram of third-par­ty fact-check­ers exists, so they tell us, to pre­vent the spread of fake news and dis­in­for­ma­tion, to save democ­ra­cy, …