2020 Trump Spokesman Tim Mur­taugh Recalls ICY Inter­views with CNN, MSNBC Par­ti­sans

2020 Trump Spokesman Tim Murtaugh Recalls ICY Interviews with CNN, MSNBC Partisans

Bri­an Flood at FoxNews.com reports on how Trump 2020 cam­paign spokesman Tim Mur­taugh dis­cuss­es his scrap­ping with CNN and MSNBC hosts in his new book, Swing Hard in Case You Hit It.
First came CNN host Bri­an­na Keilar, who in June 2020 pressed Mur­taugh on Trump’s remark that they should slow down COVID test­ing to get few­er pos­i­tive results. “I think it would be accu­rate to con­clude that Keilar had decid­ed that she didn’t like me before I ever appeared on her show.”
Mur­taugh claimed Trump was jok­ing, and he said Keilar respond­ed that over 120,000 Amer­i­cans had died from COVID before ask­ing, “I do not think that is fun­ny. Do you think that is fun­ny?”
Mur­taugh wrote that “Keilar decid­ed that she would claim moral supe­ri­or­i­ty and declare humor off lim­its, while dis­hon­est­ly sug­gest­ing that the pres­i­dent and his cam­paign were laugh­ing at the peo­ple who were dying of COVID-19.”
“The whole thing was a reminder that I need­ed to antic­i­pate their pa …