Over One Mil­lion Ille­gal Migrants Encoun­tered At South­ern Bor­der In First Six Months Of Fis­cal Year 2024

Posted in Trump
Over One Million Illegal Migrants Encountered At Southern Border In First Six Months Of Fiscal Year 2024

More than 1 mil­lion ille­gal immi­grants have been encoun­tered on the south­ern bor­der in just the first six months of fis­cal year 2024, an unpub­lished Cus­toms and Bor­der Patrol report reveals.
The find­ing comes from an unpub­lished Cus­toms and Bor­der Patrol report obtained by Bre­it­bart News, which found that near­ly 140,000 migrants were appre­hend­ed on the south­ern bor­der in March 2024. The fig­ure brings the total num­ber of appre­hen­sions for fis­cal year 2024, which began on Octo­ber 1st, 2023, to 1,034,000 in just six months.
The report found that the Tuc­son Bor­der Patrol sec­tor had the largest num­ber …