Biden admin­is­tra­tion approves major wind project off Martha’s Vine­yard

Biden administration approves major wind project off Martha’s Vineyard

The Inte­ri­or Depart­ment announced the approval Tues­day of a new com­mer­cial-scale off­shore wind project in Mass­a­chu­setts, clear­ing the way for up to 2.6 gigawatts of off­shore wind pow­er to be added to the pow­er grid and mov­ing the Biden admin­is­tra­tion one-third of the way to its tar­get of 30 GW for off­shore wind.
The Avan­grid-owned New Eng­land Wind Project will be built rough­ly 20 miles south of Martha’s Vine­yard, Inte­ri­or Depart­ment offi­cials said in a state­ment Tues­day. Once online, it is expect­ed to gen­er­ate enough wind pow­er to sup­ply more than 900,000 homes.
The New Eng­land Wind Project is the eighth com­mer­cial-scale off­shore wind project to be approved under Pres­i­dent Joe Biden. Biden also pledged to approve 16 off­shore wind projects by 2025 in an effort to deliv­er on its …