Col­bert, Mey­ers Mock Con­cern Over White House­’s Trans­gen­der East­er Procla­ma­tion

Stephen Col­bert, Biden fundrais­er and host of The Late Show on CBS, demand­ed on Mon­day that those who con­demned Pres­i­dent Biden for issu­ing a procla­ma­tion on East­er Sun­day rec­og­niz­ing Trans­gen­der Day of Vis­i­bil­i­ty get over it because Biden, appar­ent­ly, has noth­ing to do with his own actions and because East­er some­times falls on dif­fer­ent days. It was a sen­ti­ment echoed by NBC Late Night host Seth Mey­ers as both men claimed con­ser­v­a­tives are hyp­ocrites for not being out­raged that East­er some­times falls on April Fools’ Day.
Col­bert was up first, and he, a sup­pos­ed­ly devout Catholic, didn’t see what the big d …